Get The World Moving (GTWM) is an organisation dedicated to improving the health and well-being of employees around the world. They accomplish this through their Global Corporate Challenge initiative whereby employees partake in a virtual walk around the globe, and aims to improve their relationship with exercise and nutrition. The flow on effect is that it increases productivity which then helps with the employers bottom line. The number of employees and organisations participating has rapidly grown over the last 10 years, and there are approximately 300,000 participants in 2014.
My role on this project was to implement the front-end. This site is built with .Net in an MVC framework, and utilises a MSSQL database. The front-end was developed within Visual Studio using technologies such as HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery. The source code is stored in a Mercurial distributed version control system.
Note: This site is for participants of the event only and requires a username and password. I can therefore only provide examples of screenshots for the site.